Cloud technologies: definition, advantages, and disadvantages

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We use cloud technologies every day, and the phrase “I store data in the cloud” is not something that many people are confused about. Despite this, the concept itself remains vague and abstract.

In this article, we’ll look at what’s behind cloud computing, how the cloud works, what opportunities it offers, and talk about the disadvantages and prospects of the technology.

What is cloud computing?

From a technical point of view, cloud computing is a way of organizing physical and software resources and a set of tools that help users get the computing power to perform their tasks. Cloud computing is a resource that a user receives in the form of a service and works with it remotely. This means that you do not use your own computer’s power to perform calculations and process information, but rather third-party power. For example, cloud services are: 

  • email: Gmail, Hotmail; 
  • remote work with documents: Google Docs, Office Web Apps; 
  • data storage: Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox; 
  • real-time image editing: Figma; services for creating notes and collaborating on tasks: Trello, Jira, Evernote;
  • online application stores: Google Play, App Store and Microsoft Store;
  • cloud hosting – hosting your website in the cloud.

These services include services for average users and cloud solutions for businesses. In the first case, you get a minimal set of enough functions for everyday tasks. A business cloud service is required for the operation of an enterprise, as the functionality is more extensive.

How cloud technologies work

Although the cloud is presented as something abstract, there is a very specific set of hardware, software, and architecture behind it. Cloud computing is based on server and network equipment. The hardware is united by a software solution and has a user interface for managing the service.

To understand how cloud computing works, imagine a cool room where servers are placed in special cabinets – powerful computers with a large supply of memory and disks for storing and processing information. To allow users to access these computers, they have network equipment installed – scrolls, routers, and switches. Each piece of equipment can work independently. Cloud systems are when all elements work as a whole, like a well-oiled machine. For a cloud service to work in this way, it needs a set of special software that will manage all processes like a conductor.

The end user sees a finished product – the ability to open a website and use the service: check email, install an app on a phone, manage a project, or access a remote database.

Cloud capabilities: types of services

Companies provide cloud services for businesses and individual users as a service. For convenience, the types of services are designated by abbreviations. Here are the most common ones:

  • SaaS – Software as a Service;
  • PaaS – Platform as a Service;
  • IaaS – Infrastructure as a Service;
  • FaaS – Function as a Service.


This is where Software as a Service comes in, literally software as a service. The client uses the provider’s software running in the cloud infrastructure. With this approach, client accounts are created: in mail, courses, tools for designers, and in the calendar. Thanks to this, programs are accessible from any device.

Although SaaS by default refers to a software product, this abbreviation can also stand for Storage-as-a-Service. Cloud resources are also used for data storage, for example, Google Drive and Dropbox.


Platform as a Service – you get a computer platform, analogous to a computer with an operating system, which you use to deploy your applications.

PaaS as Process as a Service or process as a service – increasingly prefixed with Business – uses cloud resources to manage and automate complex business processes.


Infrastructure as a Service means that you literally get a piece of cloud infrastructure in which you install the necessary programs yourself.

Information as a Service gives you access to a wealth of rapidly changing information. This includes stock quotes and exchange rates.


Function as a service allows you to develop, launch, and manage software products. The main feature is that it launches certain functions when a given condition is met.

Another difference is that you are not charged a monthly subscription fee, but rather for the amount of disk space used and the number of operations per month, i.e. for the active time of use.

Private, public cloud and their combination

According to the way the cloud is used, the following types are distinguished:

  • private
  • public;
  • hybrid.

A public cloud is an infrastructure that is available to numerous companies and services. Cloud hosting is essentially a public cloud. A private cloud is created and maintained for a specific organization that provides access to its users. The platform is owned either by the organization itself or by a service provider.

In the case of a hybrid cloud, some resources are allocated for public use, and some are “reserved” for a particular customer.

Advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing

A cloud service is a technology designed to simplify life and make services more accessible.

The main advantages of cloud computing are:

  • the ability to work with personal accounts and data from any device;
  • no need to save information to a flash drive or other storage device;
  • multiple users can edit documents and files simultaneously;
  • cloud services work in a browser, so it doesn’t matter what operating system you have on your phone, tablet, or computer;
  • information is stored on a cloud server – even if your PC or phone breaks down, you won’t lose your data;
  • you use the most up-to-date version of the program: the service provider keeps it updated;
  • you can share information remotely without sending a large amount of data, for example, to provide access to a folder with documents or photos;
  • no need to buy a powerful computer to develop and deploy programs – use the cloud and save money;
  • you don’t need to be a programming and administration guru – cloud computing is accessible to both people with experience and dummies.

The main disadvantages:

  • you need a stable Internet connection – you can’t use the service without it;
  • not every product can be customized to meet your goals and objectives;
  • although providers reliably protect the cloud, there is always a risk of hacking;
  • it is expensive to create your own cloud, so it is more profitable for small businesses to use a private cloud or even a public cloud in the case of private entrepreneurs;
  • many services are available for free, but it is not a given that they will always be so. Think about whether you are willing to potentially pay for the service and how much.

So far, the advantages of cloud computing outweigh its disadvantages and bring more benefits than risks.
