Glossary of terms

Information technology (IT)

Information technology (IT) is a broad industry segment that includes the use of computers, software, networks, electronics, and other technologies to process, transmit, and store information. IT affects all aspects of modern life, covering business, science, education, entertainment, and other areas.

Providing access to information, its processing and transmission are the main functions of IT that contribute to the development and improvement of society. At a high level, it is anything and everything that has to do with computing and communications. That said, the term is generally applied only to technologies used in a business environment. If you take a TV and use it to display data, you’re looking at a piece of information technology. It’s not always the technology itself but how it is applied that determines whether it gets the IT label.

One of the key features of IT is the rapid pace of innovation and continuous improvement of technology. It is an industry where new solutions and opportunities emerge on a daily basis. Another important feature is the global nature of IT, as information is easily exchanged between countries and continents thanks to the network infrastructure. IT also plays a key role in addressing major societal challenges, providing innovative solutions to improve governance, healthcare, energy and other areas.

The main types of information technology:

Software Development

This type of IT involves creating programs for computers and other electronic devices. Software developers use various programming languages and tools to create programs, web applications, mobile applications, and other software solutions.


This type covers the planning, deployment, and management of computer networks. Network engineers work to ensure efficient and secure data transfer between devices, install network devices, and ensure the reliability of connections.

Cloud Computing

Cloud technologies provide access to computing resources over the Internet. This includes Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS), allowing users to utilize resources without having to own and manage their own infrastructure.

Databases and Analytics

This area covers database management, data warehouse creation and optimization, and the analysis of large amounts of information to draw valuable conclusions and make decisions.

Information Security

Ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information is an important task. Information security specialists develop and implement measures to protect against unauthorized access, data loss, and other threats.

Internet of Things (IoT)

This IT vector includes the development and management of Internet-connected devices. IoT allows you to collect, process and analyze data from a variety of sensors and devices.
