Glossary of terms


XHTML is a text file format with XML markup that uses the HTML 4.0 reformulation. These files are well suited for opening or viewing in a web browser. XHTML was designed to be more structured, less scripted, generic; utilizing all the existing capabilities of XML and more regardless of device.

XHTML provides a generally noteworthy set of elements and attributes with extension options in combination with style sheets. Attributes are used from a collection of metadata attributes. XHTML provides flexibility and accessibility by subordinating all HTML presentation elements to style sheets.

Style sheets are more versatile than these presentation elements. The specifications for HTML 4.01, HTML5, and XHTML are dynamically developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

The development methodology for web applications involves a systematic approach to building software that is accessed through web browsers. This methodology typically encompasses various stages, including requirements gathering, design, development, testing, deployment, and maintenance.

XHTML is applied in web development to create web pages that adhere to strict syntax and formatting rules, making them more compatible with XML-based technologies and ensuring cross-browser compatibility. By following the rules of XHTML, developers can create web pages that are well-structured, accessible, and maintainable.

Additionally, XHTML is often used in conjunction with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to control the presentation and layout of web pages, providing a separation between content and design.

Overall, XHTML is used in web development to create web pages that are compliant with web standards, accessible to a wide range of users and devices, and compatible with modern web technologies. Its disciplined syntax and adherence to XML rules make it a valuable tool for building robust and reliable web applications.
