Glossary of terms

Predictive Analytics

Predictive Analytics is a branch of advanced data analysis used to predict future events. Utilizing modeling, statistics, machine learning, data mining, and artificial intelligence techniques, this analytical tool transforms raw data sets into informative generalizations, allowing you to understand past trends and establish patterns to accurately predict future outcomes. Predictive Analytics is used in a variety of industries, from finance to healthcare, to help identify risks, optimize processes, and make informed decisions. An important aspect is the ability not only to predict future events with an acceptable level of reliability but also to conduct risk assessments and analyze “what if” scenarios, which makes predictive analytical tools indispensable for strategic planning.

Predictive Analytics is becoming an increasingly fundamental part of solutions in many areas of business and everyday life, using historical data to predict future trends and events. It includes a wide range of techniques and approaches, including statistical analysis, modeling, machine learning, and data mining. Using these methods allows organizations to analyze the past and predict the future with a certain degree of confidence.

Types of Predictive Analytics:


Determines which category or class a new observation belongs to based on historical data.
Regression: Predicts the numerical value of a variable based on other variables. For example, the price of a home is based on its size, location, and other factors.


Divides data into groups or clusters based on similarities between data objects.
As technology develops, particularly artificial intelligence and machine learning, the potential of Predictive Analytics is only growing. Of particular interest is the development of automated risk management systems, personalized marketing solutions, and smart data analysis in healthcare. These areas promise not only improved efficiency and productivity in various industries, but also significant progress in personalized customer service and approaches to health.

Ultimately, combining Predictive Analytics with other technological innovations such as the Internet of Things (IoT), big data, and distributed ledgers (blockchain) opens up new opportunities to understand and shape the future. In this context, the key to success is the ability of organizations not only to collect and analyze data but also to quickly adapt to changes predicted by analytics, while ensuring a high level of security and privacy of information.
