Glossary of terms

Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

URL is the address of any resource on the Internet. The term “resource” in the previous sentence means a website, image, document, or anything else that can be found on the Internet on some remote server. URL stands for Universal Resource Locator, i.e. a universal resource locator. A URL consists of several parts that indicate the access protocol (for example, HTTP or HTTPS), the domain name (for example,, and the path to a specific resource on the server (for example, /page1.html). Using URLs allows users to easily and quickly find the content they need on the Internet.

A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is an important element on the Internet because it indicates the exact location of a resource on the network. The way a URL works is that it consists of several parts that identify the access protocol (e.g., HTTP or HTTPS), the domain name (e.g.,, and the path to a specific resource on the server (e.g., /page1.html). The combination of these parts allows a browser or other program to find and download the information it needs from a website or other source on the web.

One of the features of a URL is its uniqueness. Each resource on the Internet has its own unique URL that uniquely identifies its location. This allows users to easily and quickly find the content they need by referring to its URL.

In addition, the URL can contain parameters that are transmitted to the server and allow you to change the content or behavior of the web page. For example, a URL can contain query parameters for finding specific information on a website.

The overall purpose of a URL is to provide unique addressing of resources on the web, allowing users to find and access them easily and quickly. The use of URLs is an important aspect of working with websites, search engines, and other Internet services.
