Glossary of terms

Data Protection by Design

Data Protection by Design (also known as Privacy by Design) is a concept and approach that promotes the integration of data protection and privacy considerations throughout the entire lifecycle of a system, product, or service from the initial design phase.


Data Protection by Design is a proactive approach that aims to embed data protection and privacy principles directly into the design and architecture of systems, products, and services. It involves implementing appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure that data protection requirements are met from the outset, rather than being an afterthought or a reactive measure.

Main Features

1. Proactive not Reactive: Data Protection by Design emphasizes the importance of anticipating and addressing privacy and data protection issues early in the development process, rather than retrofitting solutions after the fact.

2. Privacy as the Default: Systems and services should be designed in a way that ensures privacy and data protection by default, without requiring users to take additional steps or make complex configurations.

3. Privacy Embedded into Design: Privacy and data protection principles should be integrated directly into the design and architecture of systems, products, and services, rather than being treated as an add-on or afterthought.

4. Full Lifecycle Protection: Data Protection by Design considers privacy and data protection throughout the entire lifecycle of a system, product, or service, from initial conception and design to deployment, operation, and eventual decommissioning.

5. End-to-End Security: Data Protection by Design emphasizes the implementation of appropriate security measures, such as encryption, access controls, and secure data handling practices, to protect personal data from unauthorized access, modification, or disclosure.

6. Visibility and Transparency: Data Protection by Design promotes transparency regarding data processing activities, allowing individuals to understand how their personal data is being collected, used, and shared.

7. Respect for User Privacy: Systems and services should be designed with respect for user privacy, providing individuals with clear choices and control over their personal data.


Data Protection by Design is a broad concept that encompasses various aspects of data protection and privacy. Its scope includes, but is not limited to:

1. Data Minimization: Collecting and processing only the personal data that is strictly necessary for the intended purpose, and retaining it no longer than necessary.

2. Data Accuracy: Ensuring that personal data is accurate, complete, and up-to-date, and providing mechanisms for individuals to correct or update their information.

3. Data Security: Implementing appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access, accidental loss, destruction, or alteration.

4. User Control and Consent: Providing individuals with clear and meaningful choices regarding the collection and use of their personal data, and obtaining valid consent when required.

5. Data Portability: Enabling individuals to easily access and transfer their personal data from one system or service provider to another.

6. Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs): Conducting PIAs to identify and mitigate privacy risks associated with data processing activities.

7. Compliance with Regulations: Ensuring that systems, products, and services comply with applicable data protection and privacy laws and regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or other relevant legislation.

Data Protection by Design is a comprehensive approach that aims to foster a culture of privacy and data protection within organizations, promoting accountability and responsible data handling practices throughout the entire lifecycle of systems, products, and services.
