Glossary of terms


A database is a systematized collection of information created to be accessed through a computer program and then used.

Another way to think about databases is to think of a computer as a device designed to manipulate information, whether it is words, numbers, images, or video. However, to reference or modify information, the computer must store this information and ensure that the necessary data can be found at the right time. Databases represent the solution to both of these problems by computers.

Strictly speaking, the data in a database must be structured according to a consistent, logical set of basic principles. The term “data model” refers to the logical structure of a database that defines the rules for organizing and manipulating information in it.

There are a variety of different types of databases, which are usually categorized according to the data models that serve as their foundation. For example, the relational data model, which is one of the most common, organizes information into interconnected two-dimensional tables, while the graph data model represents information in nodes (points) and edges (connecting these points).

Different data models have their advantages and limitations depending on the tasks at hand. For example, a relational database is best suited for creating a database with a high level of data integrity that can be scaled flexibly. If you need a system that can efficiently process huge amounts of data, then a graph database can be an excellent choice.

After creating the database, it is important to interact with it to perform the necessary tasks. A database management system (commonly abbreviated as DBMS) is software that allows end users to create, modify, and manage databases, as well as define, store, manipulate, and retrieve data in those databases. Some examples of DBMSs include MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle, FileMaker, Microsoft Azure, and Airtable.
