Glossary of terms

Static site

Static websites contain a set of HTML pages that is unchanged. These pages are created manually, so in order to update the information on such pages, you need to manually make the appropriate changes in the program code. If you do not do this, then every time the visitors will see the site pages in an unchanged form. That is, there is no interactivity in responding to visitor behavior.

Dynamic websites are characterized by relatively easy programming through the admin panel. You should choose the dynamic version of the site if you are developing a corporate website or an online store that will be updated frequently.

Static websites are a popular choice for those looking for a simple and effective way to present information on the Internet.

The main features of static sites include:

Fast page loading:

Since static sites consist of fixed HTML pages, they load faster than dynamic sites, which can have a positive impact on users.

Minimal server load:

Since static websites do not require database processing or complex operations, they require fewer server resources, which reduces hosting requirements.


Static websites are usually cheaper to develop and maintain because they don’t require complex server infrastructure or expensive software.

Easy migration:

Transferring a static website to a new hosting is not a difficult task because it does not depend on specific server settings or databases.

Another advantage of static websites is their high level of security. Since they don’t have complex server logic or user input, their code is less vulnerable to attacks and intrusions.

On the other hand, static websites have limited functionality compared to dynamic websites. They are difficult to implement interactive elements such as feedback forms or dynamically changing content. They are also not suitable for projects where you need to constantly update or scale the content, as it will require a lot of effort to make changes to each page. In addition, developing and maintaining static websites requires basic knowledge of web programming, which can be difficult for beginners.
