Glossary of terms


Usability is the basic level of user experience, and without usability, it is difficult to create a good user experience. Usability directly determines how much satisfaction the customer journey will bring. In order for a website to meet this category, the developer should ask himself the following questions and, more importantly, answer them in the affirmative:

  • Is the product easy and intuitive to use? (Many great ideas have failed after being converted to product status because of this obstacle – users have a lot of time, but if they can’t quickly figure out how to use the product, they will leave it and move on).
  • Do users like the way the product looks and feels?
  • Do they want this product more than others?

Usability helps to reduce the time it takes for users to learn a product and the number of mistakes they make while using it. Excellent usability ensures that users can perform the desired actions quickly and easily, which has a positive impact on their satisfaction with the product and its overall evaluation.

A good level of usability helps to maintain the user’s attention by providing them with convenient and effective tools to achieve their goals. In addition, excellent usability allows the product to adapt more easily to the needs of users, which can have a positive impact on its popularity and competitiveness in the market.
Until recently, usability was often mistaken for user experience. Usability is only a minimum requirement to ensure a decent user experience. The assumption that an easy-to-use (i.e., usable) product that solved a problem (i.e., was useful) was sufficient for users was a reasonable idea, but it turned out to be insufficient. The user expects more from the user experience, and products that go beyond the usability phase are the best competition in their market.

However, the importance of this category should not be dismissed when it comes to website conversions. The more conveniently a user can find the information they need or make purchases on a website, the more likely they are to complete the action. Excellent usability increases conversions and helps a website achieve its goals, whether it’s selling products or services, subscribing to a newsletter, or filling out a feedback form.
