Glossary of terms


Hypertext is a way of presenting and organizing information in a non-linear fashion, allowing users to navigate through different pieces of content by following hyperlinks. Here’s a more detailed definition and description:


Hypertext is a system of linking related pieces of information, typically in a digital environment, enabling users to move between different documents or sections of a document by clicking on hyperlinks. It forms the foundation of the World Wide Web (WWW) and is a key concept in information retrieval and user interface design.

Main features

1. Non-linear structure: Hypertext departs from the traditional linear structure of books or documents by allowing users to navigate through information in a non-sequential manner, following links based on their interests or needs.

2. Hyperlinks: Hyperlinks are the core component of hypertext systems. They are clickable or selectable elements that connect one piece of information to another, allowing users to jump between different documents, web pages, or sections within the same document.

3. Cross-referencing: Hypertext enables easy cross-referencing by linking related information across different sources or sections. This feature facilitates the exploration of complex topics and the discovery of relevant information.

4. Multimedia integration: Hypertext systems can incorporate various forms of media, such as text, images, audio, and video, providing a multimedia experience for users.

5. User interactivity: Hypertext encourages user interactivity by allowing users to actively navigate through the information landscape, exploring content based on their preferences and interests.

Scope of hypertext

The scope of hypertext is vast and encompasses various domains, including:

1. World Wide Web: The Web is the most prominent application of hypertext, where web pages are interconnected through hyperlinks, enabling users to navigate between different websites and resources.

2. Digital documents: Hypertext is widely used in digital documents, such as e-books, online manuals, and electronic reference materials, allowing readers to explore related information by following links.

3. Educational resources: Hypertext is utilized in educational settings to create interactive learning materials, enabling students to explore concepts and topics in a non-linear fashion.

4. Information management: Hypertext systems are employed in knowledge management and information retrieval systems, helping users find and access relevant information efficiently.

5. User interfaces: Hypertext principles are incorporated into user interfaces for software applications, websites, and other digital products, facilitating navigation and providing contextual information through links.

Hypertext revolutionized the way we access, organize, and consume information, enabling a more interactive and personalized experience. It has become an integral part of our digital landscape, shaping how we navigate the vast amount of information available online and in various digital formats.
